Compared with most animals, we
humans engage in a host of behaviors that are destructive to our own kind and
to ourselves. We lie, cheat and steal, carve ornamentations into our own
bodies, stress out and kill ourselves, and of course kill others. Science has
provided much insight into why an intelligent species seems so nasty, spiteful,
self-destructive and hurtful.
1. Lie
Nobody knows for sure why humans
lie so much, but studies find that it's common, and that it's often tied to
deep psychological factors. "It's tied in with self-esteem," says University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert
Feldman. "We find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is
threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels."
threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels."
Feldman has conducted studies in
which people
lie frequently, with 60 percent lying at least once during a 10-minute
conversation. And lying is not easy. One study concluded that lying
takes 30 percent longer than telling the truth. Recent studies have found
that people
lie in workplace e-mail more than they did with old-fashioned writing.
It's a whole other matter whether
people really mean to lie in many instances. Figuring that out requires coming
up with a complicated definition
of lying.
"Certain conditions have to
be in place for a statement to rise to the level of a lie," explains
philosophy professor James E. Mahon of Washington
and Lee University. "First, a person must
make a statement and must believe that the statement is false. Second, the
person making the statement must intend for the audience to believe that the
statement is true. Anything else falls outside the definition of lying that I
have defended."
Animals are also known to be
capable of deception, and even robots have
learned to lie, in an experiment where they were rewarded or punished
depending on performance in a competition with other robots.
2. Crave violence
Violence is found throughout
recorded human history, leading some researchers to conclude that we crave it,
that it's in our genes and affects reward centers in our brains. However, going
back millions of years, evidence suggests our ancient human ancestors
were more peace-loving than people today, though there are signs of
cannibalism among the earliest pre-history humans.
A study in 2008 concluded that humans
seem to crave violence just like they do sex, food, or drugs. The study,
reported in the journal Psychopharmacology, found that in mice, clusters of
brain cells involved in other rewards are also behind their craving
for violence. The researchers think the finding applies to human brains.
"Aggression occurs among virtually all vertebrates and is necessary to get
and keep important resources such as mates, territory and food," said
study team member Craig Kennedy, professor of special education and pediatrics
at Vanderbilt University
in Tennessee.
"We have found that the reward pathway in the brain becomes engaged in
response to an aggressive event and that dopamine is involved." Many
researchers believe violence in humans is an evolved tendency that helped
with survival.
"Aggressive behavior has
evolved in species in which it increases an individual's survival or
reproduction, and this depends on the specific environmental, social,
reproductive, and historical circumstances of a species. Humans certainly rank
among the most violent of species," says biologist David Carrier of the University of Utah.
3. Steal
Theft can be motivated by need.
But for kleptomaniacs, stealing can be motivated by the sheer thrill of it. One
study of 43,000 people found 11 percent admitted to having shoplifted at least
"These are people who steal
even though they can easily afford not to," says Jon E. Grant of the
University of Minnesota School of Medicine. In a study in
2009, participants either took a placebo or the drug naltrexone — known to
curb addictive tendencies toward alcohol, drugs and gambling. Naltrexone blocks
the effects of substances called endogenous opiates that the researchers
suspect are released during stealing and which trigger the sense of pleasure in
the brain.
The drug reduced the urges to
steal and stealing behavior, Grant and colleagues wrote in the journal
Biological Psychiatry.
Theft may be in our genes. After
all, even monkeys do it. Capuchin monkeys use predator alarm calls to warn
fellow monkeys to scatter and avoid threats. But some will make fake calls, and
then steal food left by those that scattered.
4. Cheat
Few human traits are more
fascinating. While most people would say honesty is a virtue, nearly one in
five Americans think cheating on taxes is morally acceptable or is not a moral
issue, according to a survey by the Pew
Research Center.
About 10 percent are equally ambivalent about cheating on a spouse.
People who espouse high moral
standards are among the worst
cheats, studies have shown. The worst cheaters tend to be those with high
morals who also, in some twisted way, consider cheating to be an ethically
justifiable behavior in certain situations.
Cheating on spouses by
celebrities and politicians thought to be moral leaders has become rampant. The
behavior has a simple
explanation, experts say: Guys are wired to want sex, a lot, and are more
likely than gals to cheat. The behavior may be particularly likely for men with
"People don't necessarily
practice what they preach," says Lawrence Josephs, a clinical psychologist
at Adelphi University
in New York.
"It's not clear to what extent people's ethical values are actually
running what they do or don't do."
5. Cling to bad habits
Perhaps everything else on this
list would be far less problematic if we were not such creatures of habit. In
fact, studies have found that even when the risks of a particular bad habit are
well-known, people find it hard to quit.
"It's not because they
haven't gotten the information that these are big risks," says Cindy
Jardine of the University
of Alberta. "We tend
to sort of live for now and into the limited future — not the long term."
Jardine, who has studied why
people cling
to bad habits, cites these reasons:
- Innate human defiance
- Need for social acceptance
- Inability to truly understand the nature of
- Individualistic view of the world and the
ability to rationalize unhealthy habits
- Genetic predisposition to addiction
People tend to justify bad
habits, she says, by noting exceptions to known statistics, such as: "It
hasn't hurt me yet," or, "My grandmother smoked all her life and
lived to be 90."
6. Bully
Studies have found that half or
more of grade-school children experience bullying. A European study in 2009
found that children
who bully at school are likely to also bully their siblings at home. That
led a researcher involved in the study to speculate that bullying behavior
often starts at home.
"It is not possible to tell
from our study which behavior comes first, but it is likely that if children
behave in a certain way at home, bullying a sibling for instance, if this
behavior goes unchecked they may take this behavior into school," said
Ersilia Menesini of the Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze, Italy.
But bullying is not just child's
play. One study found that almost 30 percent of U.S. office
workers experience bullying by bosses or coworkers, from withholding of
information critical to getting the job done to insulting rumors and other
purposeful humiliation. And once it starts, it tends to get worse.
"Bullying, by definition, is escalatory. This is one of the reasons it’s
so difficult to prevent it, because it usually starts in really small ways,”
says Sarah Tracy, director of the Project for Wellness and Work-Life at Arizona State University.
Experts say to combat
workplace bullies, respond rationally, specifically, and consistently. Why
do we do it? To gain status and power, psychologists say. And for some, it may
be hard to resist the behavior. Researchers have seen bullying behavior in
monkeys and speculate that the behavior may stretch way back in our
evolutionary tree.
7. Nip, Tuck, Plump and Tattoo our Bodies
By 2015, 17 percent of U.S.
residents will be getting cosmetic procedures, the industry predicts. Some
would call it self-edification, of course, or art, or a way to kill time or
perhaps rebel against authority. But in general, and given that people have
died from cosmetic surgery procedures, what makes so many people so intent on
artificially remaking themselves?
First, it's worth noting that
while options at the body shop have never been more varied, the practice is
ancient, often tied to cults and religions or power and status, and in fact
much of the modern nip, tuck, paint, poke and plump procedures are benign
compared with some ancient practices. People have reshaped their heads,
elongated their necks, stretched their ears and lips, painted their bodies or
affixed permanent jewelry for thousands of years.
Perhaps the strongest motivations
nowadays are to be beautiful, however one might define that, or simply to fit
in with a particular group.
The lure
of beauty can't be denied as a prime motivator to nip
and tuck. Studies have shown that shoppers buy more from attractive
salespeople; attractive people capture our attention more quickly than others;
and skinny people have an easier time getting hired and promoted.
"There's this idea that if
you look better you'll be happier. You'll feel better about yourself,"
says psychologist Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research
Center for Women &
Families. "And logically that makes so much sense, because we live in a
society where people do care what you look like."
A sign of the times, as Baby
Boomer age: While cosmetic surgery sales sagged during the recession, wrinkle-blasting
laser treatments have skyrocketed.
8. Stress out
Stress can be deadly, raising the
risk for heart problems and even cancer. Stress can lead to depression, which
can lead to suicide — yet another destructive behavior that's uniquely human
(and glaringly not on this list). But exactly why we stress is difficult to pin
down. These truths will resonate with many, however: The modern workplace is a source of
significant stress for many people, as are children.
More than 600 million people
around the world put in 48-hour-plus workweeks, according to the International
Labor Organization. And advances in technology — smartphones and broadband
Internet — mean a blurring of the lines between work and free time. About half
of Americans bring
work home, according to a recent study.
The stress of being a parent
while also working is borne out by a 2007 study
that found older people feel less stress.
"Many older workers are
empty-nesters," says researcher Gwenith Fisher, an organizational
psychologist at the University
of Michigan's Institute
for Social Research (ISR). "They don't have the same work-personal
conflicts that younger and middle-aged workers deal with, juggling
responsibilities to children along with their jobs and their personal
Health experts suggest exercise
and adequate sleep are two of the best ways to battle stress.
9. Gamble
Gambling, too, seems to be in our
genes and hard-wired into our brains, which might explain why such a
potentially ruinous behavior is so common. Even monkeys
gamble. A study that measured monkeys' desire to gamble for juice rewards
found that even as potential rewards diminished, the primates acted
irrationally and gambled for the chance to get a wee bit more.
A study published in the journal
Neuron last year found that almost winning activates win-related circuitry
within the brain and enhances the motivation to gamble. "Gamblers often
interpret near-misses as special events, which encourage them to continue to
gamble," said Luke Clark of the University
of Cambridge. "Our
findings show that the brain responds to near-misses as if a win has been
delivered, even though the result is technically a loss."
Other studies have also shown
that losing causes gamblers to get carried
away. When people plan in advance how much to gamble, they're coldly
rational, a study last year found. But if they lose, rationality goes out the window,
and they change the game plan and bet even more.
10. Gossip
We humans are evolutionarily set
up to judge and talk about others, no matter how hurtful it might be,
researchers say.
Here's how Oxford primatologist Robin Dunbar sees it:
Baboons groom each other to keep social ties strong. But we humans are more
evolved, so we use gossip as social glue.
Both are learned behaviors. Gossip establishes group boundaries and boosts self-esteem,
studies have found.
In many instances, the goal of
gossip is not truth or accuracy. What matters is the bond that gossiping
can forge, often at the expense of a third party.
"When two people share a
dislike of another person, it [gossip] brings them closer," says Jennifer
Bosson, a professor of psychology at the University of South Florida.
Compiled by:
Nzoshe, B
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